Status Update : WELCOME to my home page. Please use the links above to navigate you to what you would like to see and below is the most recent announcement for your piece of mind also please don't be shy to comment or recommend anything to me in the comment boxes below every post. Hope you love the new/original look and feel also note I am learning photography so stay tuned to my PhotoBlog.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Hey everyone

This is a important Announcement.

Its pretty much back to reality for most besides us university students. Sorry for the lock of posts this holidays, its just been way too chilled. With that confession time to kick it into gear and give you some readers insight.

Firstly I have been stuck watching series and haven't been watching new movies so the movie reviews have come to a hault. 
Secondly the positive thought for the week will return when I find the motivation again. I have also run out of butterfly pictures and are looking for better picture material.

I also would like to work on a remapping for my blog to make it simpler with polls and more user interactivity or I will learn to integrate polls within my posts.

If you have any requests or recommendations please contact me on Facebook or Twitter
Your input will be highly considered since a lot of changes are taking place.

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